Modal Popup

The Modal Popup widget provides a way to display unique messaging to the user in a full-width overlay, with a Call-To-Action button to encourage direct interaction. These are great for special promotions, seasonal events or important information that would benefit from a full-width, top-of-page visual placement. It provides many trigger options giving you the ability to engage users at appropriate times and with more context. This helps deliver relevant content to visitors and drive better engagement and more conversions for the website. This widget can be used to reduce website (or reservation) abandonment.

Live View

This page contains 4 types of modals triggered by your interaction.  To start over and see the modals again, click the Restart Demo button below.

  1. A button visitors can click  
  2. A time delay modal shown after 3 seconds
  3. An intent to close detection modal that shows for desktop devices when you move your cursor off the top of the page
  4. A scroll distance modal that shows after you've scrolled down 90% of the page

Scroll down to trigger the scroll distance modal

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