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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a convallis dolor, quis molestie elit. Fusce aliquam lorem at nunc suscipit ultricies. Curabitur quis orci vel tortor gravida viverra porttitor scelerisque velit. Morbi et feugiat eros. Fusce convallis lorem quis pellentesque sodales. Donec ultrices, ex vel gravida pulvinar, leo risus iaculis ligula, convallis lobortis mi dolor vitae sem. Pellentesque et libero ac enim scelerisque pulvinar.

Design Revisions

If you've reached this page you're interested in learning what revisions can be made to your design comp and website build out without accruing additional costs. The majority of our clients just need a few tweaks to get to the finish line, but sometimes there are revisions that fall outside of the scope of your contract. Review below to find out what is included within your contracted 2 rounds of revisions for both the design comp and the website build out.

Design Comp Revisions

Accepted Revisions
Out of Scope Revisions

Included Edits

Here is a list of the most common revisions requests to design comps that are approved within the 2 rounds of complimentary revisions:

  • Color Changes
  • Image Changes
  • Font Changes
  • Texture Changes

Out of Scope Requests

Here is the list of common out of scope requests that could accrue additional design charges during the build out of the website.

  • Changing the Layout of the Template
  • Adding Widgets
  • Changing the Functionality of a Widget
  • Changing the Structure of a Widget
  • Pixel Based Edits

Website Build Out Revisions

Accepted Revisions
Out of Scope Revisions

Included Edits

Here is a list of the most common revisions requests to website build outs that are approved within the 2 rounds of complimentary revisions:

  • Image Changes
  • Basic Content Changes

Out of Scope Requests

Here is the list of common out of scope requests that could accrue additional design charges during the website revisions phase. 

  • Color or Font Changes
  • Layout Changes
  • Adding Widgets
  • Changing the Functionality of a Widget
  • Changing the Structure of a Widget
  • Pixel Based Edits

Questions? Just Ask!

If you think your requests might fall outside of the scope of your contract, don't be afraid to ask! We can always review your request and see if it's something we can accommodate or might have a work around for.

Lotus Marketing United States